
I am so relieved

Why? Because my baby girl took the breast again last nite... she was on a nursing strike for 2 days - and what a shitty couple of days it was for me!!! Yeah well so thats behind us now - just glad that she didnt decide to wean herself!

This is what she looked like this morning - (its a bit blurry) - still trying to figure out how the vest thing happened HHAHAHAHA


Organizing Imaan's 1st Birthday!

So I decided to organise Imaan's first b'day - I've decided on a fairy theme - and I've bought her the wings, wand and tiara allready - I bought the stiffening (for the fairy skirt ) and some material to make her a top. Will post pics when Im done...

Noor & Imaan Last nite

Its true what they said...

Everyone told me that no two kids are alike - I can remember with Noor I had NO teething problems nada, zip - each time I would just see two more had erupted!!! BUT WITH IMAAN its a whole new kettle of fish (or should I say teeth) - the first 6 came through okay - no problems just a lot of drooling, BUT these ones coming through now is causing her (and MYSELF) so much pain - She refuses to breastfeed (yesterday was day 2) - causing my breasts to become engorged AND ITS BLOODY SORE!!! I cant function properly - my back's sore, my breasts are tender - it feels like the first coupla days after childbirth ALL OVER AGAIN - and doesnt it seem appropriate - HER B"DAYS ON SATURDAY!!! - At least she's  taking the bottle okay!
I hope tonight's much better!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


why why WHY!!!!

Am I the only one that lives in our house? Hubby lays around whole day , while I have to get up early to make breakfast, clean the house, look after the kids, sort out supper etc etc. and then during the week I have to make sure that Im done on time cause my lift leaves @ 7 now (luckily only for Ramadaan) and get the kids to MIL. Jinne why the hell are men so effing lazy!!!


my little darlings!

I cant believe its nearly a week...

... of fasting ...its day 6 today - Im just very tired! but on the bright side...I've invited my Mum, niece and nephew for supper... mac & cheese , salad, and some nice bread! not forgetting the smoothies ...Im makign that with my blender THAT I TOTALLY FORGOT in storage!!!